We will become a trustworthy companion while listening to the lowly.

Law Firm Ja San


Law Firm Ja San

CBC of Law firm Jasan is a department dedicated to international legal affairs operated in close collaboration with representative lawyers from law firms located in the United States (Virginia, New York, California), Hong Kong, and Australia.

Among them, American and Australian lawyers are foreign legal advisors belonging to actual law firms and can provide immediate assistance and advice to clients in Korea. In the case of Canada and Hong Kong, Korean lawyers at local law firms without language & cultural barriers can provide the necessary help efficiently.

‘Joy Law Group’ Unyoung Kim of Virginia and New York, ‘Hong Kong Kim and Company’ Henry Kim of Hong Kong, ‘Fidelis Lawyers’ Ryan Lee of Sydney, Australia, ‘Asian Square’ American lawyer Joseph Kim and Korean lawyer James Lee of Seoul, Korea, as legal experts who have accumulated various experiences in each part of the field, we expect to provide the necessary services to our clients more efficiently through the Jasan’s CBC of assets in relation to cross-border legal affairs